Dinghy sailing

Dinghy sailing is a great way into getting on the water and learning about the river. The club has a number of Pico's and Toppers which members can borrow free of charge. To book, click here Topsham Sailing Club : Club Dinghies: Pico 1, 2. Topper 1, 2. (topsham-sc.org.uk). Remember though, that the river can be challenging to sail on. If you are new to dinghy sailing, please contact a committee member to see if we are running some open sailing days where the club will provide informal tuition and safety boat cover.
TSC was once home to a large fleet of Hornets,like the one seen here. As you can see, more advanced dinghy sailing can be great fun!
Last updated 08:59 on 2 April 2024