The Clubhouse was built by members back in the middle of the last century. It is a multifunction building that provides a gathering place before sailing and a place to meet afterwards for a drink and a meal. It hosts Social events, committee meetings, winter talks and the Club Skittles league that runs from October to March. The Bar and Galley can be accessed with a code for the key box (Members only) These are well equipped for catering for Club events. There is free WiFi for members (password for Members only) There is also a projector and sound system installed.
There is a public telephone on the shelf between the Ladies and Gents facilities, and this is also where the First Aid kit and the Defibrillator are kept. For more information on use of the Defibrillator see
Members may be able to hold family events at the Club. Further information about the terms of use is available under The Club section of the website "Protocol for Family Functions". To discuss use of the Clubhouse contact the Social Secretary
Last updated 08:59 on 2 April 2024