All Rigid Rowing Dinghies and Inflatables are classified as Punts.
Summer Storage for Members Punts is available on racks erected in the Yard. Application is made on a list posted on the Club Board from 15th February to 31st March. A charge fixed by the Committee is made for the summer period (1st April to 30th September) collected in arrears at the end of the season. Signing up on the list indicates your agreement to pay for any allocated space.
The Racks are designed to accommodate punts not exceeding 9feet in length (2.85 metres). Applications to store any vessel significantly longer than this may be expected to be refused as they simply do not fit the racks. Some flexibility in the storage period is allowed at each end of the season when the parent boat is launched earlier or recovered later.
Yawl owners who are racing in the late season series to the end of November are granted an extension of storage until the end of the race program.
There is no formal arrangement for winter storage of Punts and by preference all should be removed from the Club. Any still on the Club Premises in late December will be charged at full Cruiser rates.
It is a condition of storage that ALL Punts and their gear MUST be clearly marked with the owner's name. If your Punt needs a trolley it must be kept in good condition and must be designed to fit the racks.
Last updated 08:59 on 2 April 2024