The Club owns four moorings.
One off the pontoon is reserved for "TOP-C" (the Club's workboat). The next mooring, downstream and situated to the North of "Wixells", is suitable for boats up to 22 feet. Two moorings opposite the Club are registered for 28 feet, but occasionally used briefly by larger vessels. On low spring tides these moorings are shallow so are suitable for bilge or lifting keel boats only.
The moorings are intended to be available for Visitors or for emergency use by members or for short term use by members when their own mooring is constrained by tide. Visitors are granted a temporary membership for a daily fee (Maximum14 days) which allows use of the mooring.
No charges are made to our own club members. But if members have a problem with their own mooring and have to carry out remedial work, they are expected to complete this within a couple of days subject to tidal conditions in order to keep the club moorings available for their intended purpose. Whilst not strictly part of the Yard Marshall's duties, requests to use the moorings are often referred to him if available.
The current VISITORS MOORING FEE is £10/night which includes temporary membership for the crew and use of all facilities.
Last updated 08:59 on 2 April 2024